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We mean anywhere on your site where you are running AdSense and Chitika | Premium on the same page. For example - look at this screenshot:
What are the Prizes?
There are 3 prizes:
GRAND PRIZE - Winner will receive their choice of:
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How do I enter?
Just reply to this email with a link to your site that shows your AdSense and Chitika | Premium setup.
All entries must be received by 11:59 pm US EDT on Sunday, Dec. 21. We look forward to seeing what you all come up with!!!
If you don’t have Chitika | Premium code yet, you can grab it here. Also - if you are unfamiliar with Chitika | Premium, you can learn how it works here.
Join with this contest
AdSense + Chitika | Premium Placement Contest for Win a Google Android G1 phone, Blackberry Storm, or iPhone & $ 400 Cash
redflowers, Monday, December 15, 2008Running To Riches (IND)
Judul: Running To Riches (versi ebook)
Bahasa: Indonesia
Penulis: Didik Wijaya
Jumlah halaman: 118
Format ebook: PDF
Ukuran File: 0,754 MB
Meski judulnya berbahasa inggris namun sebenarnya ini ebook berbahasa indonesia. Ebook ini aslinya merupakan versi cetak yang di jual di toko-toko buku (ISBN: 979-99509-0-2).Materinya sendiri tidak hanya membahas tentang proses pencarian kekayaan, melainkan juga membahas lebih dalam mengenai makna kekayaan hingga kebahagiaan itu sendiri.
Saringan Ajaib Penghemat Premium
redflowers,Saringan Ajaib Penghemat Premium
Seorang pelajar Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) di Batam berhasil menemukan alat untuk menghemat penggunaan premium untuk sepeda motor.
Alat berupa saringan dengan menggunakan metode magnet yang dipasang di badan sepeda motor yang dapat menghemat penggunaan bensin antara 10-15 persen tersebut diciptakan oleh Dwi Indra, pelajar dari SMK Kartini, Batam.
"Saringan ajaib ini bisa menghemat bensin 10 - 15 persen," ujar Indra di Batam, Sabtu (29/11)."Pemasangannya mudah, yakni hanya memasang kabel negatif dan positif di kabel sepeda motor", katanya saat pameran ilmu pengetahuan di Mega Mall Batam. Indra menambahkan, kotak hitam ukuran 2 X 2 X 4 cm tersebut dilengkapi sepasang kabel negatif dan positif.
"Kami berfikir untuk menciptakan barang yang bisa membantu orang lain, apalagi ketersediaan energi saat ini makin menipis, jadi kami harus berhemat," katanya.
Selain Saringan Ajaib Penghemat Bahan Bakar Bensin, tim SMK Kartini juga menemukan Trainer Sistem Pengapian Sepeda Motor yang dipamerkan dalam pameran yang diikuti peserta dari berbagai sekolah dan perguruan tinggi di Batam tersebut.
Dengan trainer sistem pengapian itu, pengendara dan teknisi dapat mengetahui serta memeriksa bagian pengapian sepeda motor.
"Selama ini kita tidak tahu apakah pengapian sepeda motor jalan atau tidak ketika distarter, dan dengan alat ini kita bisa tahu," katanya.(ref : antara/med ind)
Enak-enak Jumpa Pers, George W Bush Dilempar Sepatu
Senin, 15/12/2008 06:11 WIB
Enak-enak Jumpa Pers, George W Bush Dilempar Sepatu
Nograhany Widhi K - detikNews;Sepatu3DLM.jpg
Bush reflek menghindari sepatu (Reuters)
Baghdad - Saat jumpa pers dalam hari terakhir kunjungannya di Irak, Presiden Amerika Serikat (AS) George W Bush dilempar sepatu. Dukk! Bush pun berhasil menghindari lemparan sepatu yang mental ke tembok itu.
Saat itu Bush pada hari terakhir kunjungannya ke Irak dan PM Irak Nuri al Maliki sedang jumpa pers hasil kunjungannya ke Irak, seperti dilansir dari Reuters, Senin (15/12/2008).Bush ditanya apakah dia datang ke Irak untuk merayakan kemenangan, Bush pun mengatakan "Tidak, saya mempertimbangkan itu sebagai satu langkah penting menuju Irak yang mendukung dirinya sendiri, memerintah dirinya sendiri dan mempertahankan dirinya sendiri,".
Alih-alih mengatakan perang di Irak sudah menghasilkan sesuatu, Bush malah mengatakan 'perang belum usai'
"Ada beberapa tugas yang harus dilakukan. Perang belum usai," imbuh Bush.
Tak kuasa menunjukkan kemarahannya atas penjelasan Bush tentang kebijakan Perang Irak, seorang jurnalis Irak pun berteriak dalam bahasa arab sambil melempar sepatu.
"Ini ciuman perpisahan dari warga Irak, ******," teriak jurnalis itu sambil melempar sepatu.
Rupanya, reflek Bush bagus juga. Dia menunduk spontan sehingga terhindar dari lemparan sepatu yang melayang di atas kepalanya itu.
Tak puas karena tak kena, jurnalis itu pun melempar satu sepatunya lagi. Kali ini, PM Nuri al Maliki membantu menangkis dengan lengannya.
"Seperti berlomba dalam politik ketika orang berteriak padamu. Itu adalah cara orang menunjukkan perhatiannya," ucap Bush seusai insiden itu.
"Saya tidak tahu, apa yang menyebabkan orang itu bisa seperti itu. Saya tak merasa terancam sedikit pun," tegas Bush.
Melempar sepatu merupakan bentuk kemarahan paling tinggi orang-orang di Timur Tengah. Jurnalis yang mengacaukan acara jumpa pers itu pun digelandang paksa oleh Paspamres Irak dan AS sambil memberontak dan berteriak-teriak.
Bush mengunjungi Irak sebelum lengser untuk meninjau kondisi terakhir pakta keamanan Irak-AS menjelang penarikan pasukan AS dari negara itu, Juli tahun 2009 di bawah pemerintahan Barack Obama.(nwk/nwk)
PTR & PTC Again from paid me
redflowers, Tuesday, December 9, 2008This program about PTR & PTC and they was paid me this month
if you intrest about this progam come and join with this link
This is example was i paid from
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come and join with this program everything was free
Contest berhadiah domain dari
redflowers, Friday, December 5, 2008
Inilah Contest yang diadakan oleh Yunan
Oh jadi gini, kontesnya bener-bener menarik, dan gua juga ingin ngikut. Dan juga ingin publikasi ke kalian-kalian semua tentang kontes domain ini.
Jadi kontes ini tuh akan bener-bener membagi-bagikan domain (.com , .net , .org , .info) sesuai keinginan pemenang event ini.Domain berlaku 1 tahun )Lalu apa syarat nya :
1. Menuliskan event ini di blog / web Anda (boleh di wordpress , blogspot atau dimana saja), dengan bahasa apa saja, dengan mencantumkan link event : , dengan keyword : (bebas).
2. Mencantum kan LINK blog penyelenggara : , dgn keyword : YUNAN.
3. Memasang salah satu banner dari sponsor yang nge-link ke website masing-masing banner di akhir postingan Anda.
untuk lebih lengapnya lihat disini di rumah Yunan
Sebenarnya Event ini sudah mulai pada tanggal 20 November bulan kemarin, dan aji mumpung waktu penilaiannya masih cukup lama sampai 31 Desember nanti. Bagi Anda yang juga berminat silahkan langsung ke blog Yunan. Sebenarnya saya juga cuma iseng-iseng ikutan event contest ini, sekalian membantu Anda ingin mempunyai nama domain pribadi.
Jadi cepat2 dech buat posting even ini ( bagi yang sudah punya domain atw belum )
PTC & PTR Program Paid Weekly
redflowers, Thursday, December 4, 2008
This is PTC & PTR Program , maybe all blogger know about this site and i will be paid :
$ Membership with this site is totally free
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if you want to join just click this banner ( Ref )
Blumentals WeBuilder 2008 v9.3.0.101
WeBuilder is revolutionary all-in-one web code editor for all your web document editing needs. Clean and convenient interface, quick startup, true flexibility and powerful features allow you to create and edit HTML, CSS, javascript, VBScript, PHP, ASP, SSI, Perl code faster and easier than ever, while integrated tools enable you to validate, reuse, navigate and deploy your code in an efficient and sophisticated manner.Benefits for professionals:
* Edit HTML, CSS, javascript, PHP, ASP, Ruby within single program
* Clean, lightweight and extremely fast loading
* Familiar interface allows to jumpstart
* All essential code editing features are right at their place
* Fully customizable text editor, menus, toolbars, shortcut keys
* Efficiently reuse common code fragments
* Few click FTP upload or update
Benefits for learners:
* Easy to learn and use
* Various templates and code snippets
* Quick start HTML and CSS wizards
* Helps to learn HTML, CSS and even some scripts
Key Features:
* Speed - loads very quickly
* Sophisticated, fully customizable and familiar text editor
* Syntax highlighting for HTML, CSS, javascript, VBScript, PHP, ASP, WML, XML
* Syntax highlighting for ASP.Net, C#.Net, Ruby, eRuby, Perl, SQL
* UTF-8 and UTF-16 Unicode Support
* Advanced HTML editing with Auto Complete, Inspector and other tools
* Advanced CSS editing with built-in CSS editor More info
* Advanced javascript editing with built-in javascript editor More info
* Advanced PHP editing with built-in PHP editor More info
* Advanced Ruby editing with built-in Ruby editor
* Debug PHP code with xDebug debugger More info
* Realtime PHP Syntax Check
* Code snippet library and code templates More info
* Save and open files directly from FTP/SFTP More info
* Project management and FTP/SFTP publishing
* Matching bracket highlighting
* Matching and missing HTML tag highlighting
* SQL database connectivity (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, Interbase) More info
* Search and Replace with Regular Expression Support
* Search and Replace in files
* Spell Checker for text in HTML code and TXT files
* Code collapse
* Multi Item Clipboard
* Ready to use Code Templates
* SVN Support via TortoiseSVN and shell menus from File Explorer
* Countless goodies (block select, line highlighting, text indentation etc.)
download link :
Smart Computing Magazine - December 2008
Holiday Gift Guide
Desktops & notebooks, keyboards & mice, monitors & TVs, home theaters, digital cameras, goodies & gadgets.
Create Home Movies
Record, capture, edit, distribute, repeat.
Tech Support
What to do when your PC beeps.
How to fix common problems with Excel 2007.
How to install video cards.Windows XP: Windows Defender
Rid your PC of hidden spyware.
Windows Vista: Photo Gallery
Edit and show off your pictures
download link :
Linux Bible, 2008 Edition
redflowers, Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Great Content from a Bestselling Author: The Linux Bible 2008 Edition is the best first Linux book for new or migrating users. By focusing on the building-block nature of Linux, and offering true up-to-date descriptions of Linux technology, the Bible helps the reader learn how to jump headlong into Linux, regardless of the Linux distribution they choose.Descriptions of different Linux distributions helps users choose the Linux distribution that's right for them. Detailed installation instructions, step-by-step descriptions of key desktop and server components, and the actual distributions on CD and DVD, let readers get started using Linux immediately. The Bible will serve a broad range of readers, from those starting with Linux to anyone looking to evaluate different Linux distributions. It also covers broad usage including Linux desktops, servers, and firewall/routers.
New features: Instead of just telling you about how the technology works, new "Bringing Linux In" sections describe how people have implemented Linux in the real world. New sections describe real-life examples, such as how:
* A Small office created an inexpensive Web, print, and file server
* A do-it-yourselfer combined Linux audio and video features to create a home multimedia center
* A school build a computer lab with free educational software
* A large corporation deployed thousands of Linux systems
Unique CD and DVD: No other book on the market includes so many Linux distributions on CD and DVD. Our DVD and CD will include the latest versions of at least the following Linux distributions: Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, SUSE, KNOPPIX, Gentoo, Slackware, Mandriva, Damn Small Linux, SLAX, BackTrack, GeeXbox, and others.
From the Back Cover
The perfect book to help you make the move to Linux
With Linux, you can start with a full-featured desktop computer and scale up to powerful corporate servers. Get the most out of Linux for your home, small business, school, or corporate computing needs with this comprehensive reference as your guide. You'll walk through 16 different Linux distributions, find step-by-step instructions, and see how other enterprising Linux do-it-yourselfers are creating powerful and inexpensive systems. This is the book you need to succeed with Linux.
*Master Linux for desktops, servers, and workstations
*Find, install, and use tons of free and open source software
*Create your own cool apps with useful programming tools
*Launch all your music, video, images, and documents in Linux
*Browse, e-mail, or chat over the Internet from a Linux desktop
*Set up your own e-mail and Web (LAMP) servers
*Make safe connections with firewalls and other security tools
A total of 16 different Linux distributions are included on the DVD and CD-ROM.
*To try out Linux, boot directly to KNOPPIX, openSUSE, Ubuntu, Gentoo, BackTrack, and other live Linux distributions
*To keep Linux permanently, install Fedora, Ubuntu, openSUSE, Debian, Damn Small Linux, Slackware Linux, and other distributions to your hard disk
What's on the DVD and CD-ROM?
DVD Includes
*Ubuntu Linux (live/install)
*Fedora Linux (install)
*openSUSE (live/install)
*KNOPPIX (live)
*Freespire (live/install)
*Gentoo Linux (install)
*Slackware® Linux (install)
*BackTrack (live)
*Mandriva One (live/install)
CD-ROM Includes
*Debian GNU/Linux (install)
*Damn Small Linux (live/install)
*SLAX (live/install)
*System Rescue CD (live)
*INSERT (live)
*Puppy Linux (live)
*Gentoo Linux (install)
*Coyote Linux (floppy firewall)
System Requirements:
All software built for x86 computers
See chapters on each distribution for system requirements
download link :
AutoCAD 2009 & AutoCAD LT 2009 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies
Nobody ever said AutoCAD was easy, which is why you need AutoCAD & AutoCAD LT 2009 All-In-One Desk Reference for Dummies! These nine minibooks cover all the stuff you need to know to set up AutoCAD for 2D or 3D, create drawings, modify and share them, publish your work, and more. There’s even a minibook devoted to increasing your options with AutoCAD LT!
This one-stop guide to creating great technical drawings using AutoCAD 2009 shows you how to navigate the AutoCAD interface, set up drawings, use basic and precision tools, and use drawing objects. You’ll learn how to annotate your drawings, use dimensioning and hatching, and work with AutoCAD’s new Annotation Scaling feature. You’ll also find out how to work with solids, texture surfaces, add lighting, and much more. Discover how to
* Navigate the AutoCAD interface
* Work with lines, shapes, and curves
* Add explanatory text
* Understand AutoCAD LT’s limitations
* Render your drawings
* Create and manage blocks
* Use AutoCAD advanced drafting techniques
* Comply with CAD management and standards
* Share your work with others
* Customize the AutoCAD interface, tools, and more
Complete with Web links to advanced information on navigating the AutoCAD programming interfaces, using custom programs, getting started with AutoLISP, and working with Visual Basic for AutoCAD, AutoCAD & AutoCAD LT 2009 All-In-One Desk Reference for Dummies is the only comprehensive AutoCAD guide you’ll ever need.
download link :
Programmer X Anti Autorun
You Will Eliminate Autorun Virus With 1-Click
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In A Few Seconds And Say Good Bye Autorun Virus
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Systweak AntiSpyware 2008 v1.1.776.48
Systweak AntiSpyware 2008 scans for Spyware, Adware, Malware, Riskware, Key Loggers, Trojans, Sniffers, BHOs, Exploits, Worms, Monitoring Programs and the type. It tracks all the infections present on your system, shows severity of every infection found, removes all the malicious entries and protects your data from prying eyes.Key features of "Systweak AntiSpyware":
* Get rid of spyware before it damages the data
Systweak AntiSpyware 2008 scans your computer for all types of spyware, adware, riskware, key-loggers, Trojans, BHOs, hacking tools that take the form of startup programs, registry entries, cookies, and files and folders that store themselves in your system. It scrutinizes every minor entry on your computer to ensure complete protection of sensitive information.
* Real-time guards to protect runtime changes
Your computer is susceptible to spyware attacks and all your confidential information is exposed to risk. The need of the hour is protecting your work and money with Real-Time Protection Guards of Systweak AntiSpyware 2008. They safeguard from all the malefactors around the world that can invariably harm your system.
* All-round protection guard
Systweak AntiSpyware 2008 ensures all-round protection of your computer. It tracks all kinds of spyware infections which can slow down system performance, steal confidential data, spy on your system, log your chat conversations and browsing habits, remotely control your computer, and spread self-replicating programs that propagate via security holes on your computer network.
* Updated definitions to secure your data
Sending spyware and variants through the Internet is a common phenomenon these days. To keep a check on all of these spyware threats, our technical squad regularly updates our servers with the latest anti-spyware data. Systweak AntiSpyware 2008 subscribers always have access to the latest protection. We also work hard to eliminate false-positives; we never want to identify your important files as threats.
* Reliable and Safe
You can improve your safety by detecting infections already present on your system, and by destroying downloaded infections by stopping them at real-time. Systweak AntiSpyware 2008 gives you the ability to permanently delete all such malicious applications, while ignoring genuine applications. We deliver the perfect balance, for your safety.
* Notify you on updates available
We notify you when we update our database, and you can download the latest information whenever you'd like. We keep you safe, today and tomorrow.
download link :
Anti-Trojan Shield Full
Anti-Trojan Shield (ATS) is an advanced, highly effective blocker of Trojans, worms, viruses, backdoors, malicious ActiveX controls, and Java applets. It efficiently scans, detects, and removes malicious files, while maintaining an exceptional level of personal privacy and security. Without this tool, you definitely should worry about new Trojan horses and viruses, but with Anti-Trojan Shield you have no need for concern. Its integrated update utility always keeps the software on the cutting edge, fully armed for battle.Key Features:
- Leading-edge anti-Trojan scanning and removal technologies
- Advanced heuristics analysis to detect and stop new and as yet unknown viruses
- Continuous system supervision by Anti-Trojan Shield Monitor module
- File quarantine capabilities to isolate and neutralize suspected files
- System information utility and analysis tools for extensive system checks
download link :
How To Clear Your Memory Without Restarting
redflowers,How To Clear Your Memory Without Restarting
If you run a windows computer you’ll know like many others than after a while your system will in doubt start running slow. Most people will restart their computer to remove and idle processes. But if there’s a simpler way, why restart every time windows decides it doesn’t like you today?1. Right click on an empty spot on your desktop and select New - Shortcut.
2. Type %windir%\system32\rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks in the box.
3. Click Next.
4. Give your shortcut a nice name like “Clear Memory”.
5. Click Finish and you’re done.
Now whenever your computer starts running slow click this shortcut to clear out your memory and get your computer running at a normal pace again
Deactivated & Activated Firewall from Desktop
redflowers,Deactivated & Activated Firewall from Desktop
Make a new notepad file in desktop & wrote down :
reg add ,,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | SYSTEM | CurrentControlSet | Services | SharedAccess | Parameters | FirewallPolicy | StandardProfile” /v “EnableFirewall” /t REG_DWORD /d 0000000 /f
save & close as : Off.bat
to activated, simply swith letter 0000000 into 0000001
To run all blocking aplication :
Make a new Notepad file :
reg add ,,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | SYSTEM | CurrentControlSet | Services | SharedAccess | Parameters | FirewallPolicy | StandardProfile” /v “DoNotAllowExceptions” /t REG_DWORD /d 0000001 /f
save & close as : On.bat
with this, you can deactivated all exception means all program on the list will allowed to running
info from :
duniafile weblog™
Read More......
PowerISO 4.3 + Portable
PowerISO is a powerful CD/DVD image file processing tool, which allows you to open, extract, create, edit, compress, encrypt, split and convert ISO files, and mount these files with internal virtual drive. It can process almost all CD-ROM image files including ISO and BIN.Main Features:
- Support almost all CD/DVD-ROM image file formats (ISO, BIN, NRG, IMG, DAA and so on).
Note: DAA (Direct-Access-Archive) is an advanced format for image file, which supports some advanced features, such as compression, password protection, and splitting to multiple volumes. It can be handled directly just like other formats, such as ISO, BIN, …
- Supports on-the-fly burning.
- Supports UDF image file.
- Create image file from hard disk files or CD/DVD-ROM.
- Edit an existing image file.
- Can edit and burn Audio CD image file.
- Extract files and folders from image file.
- Convert image files between ISO/BIN and other formats.
- Make bootable image file, get boot information from bootable image file.
- Make floppy disk image file.
- Optimize files to save disk space while saving image files.
- Mount image file with internal virtual drive. Even if the image file is saved as DAA format, the virtual drive can handle that format directly.
- Support shell integration, such as context menu, Drag and Drop, clipboard…
- Supports command-line parameters.
- Can open XBOX image file.
- Supports multiple languages
- Supports Windows XP 64-bit Edition and Vista.
New Features:
* Supports Windows Vista.
* Supports on-the-fly burning.
* Supports Apple DMG file.
* Supports multiple languages.
* Supports command-line parameters.
Changes in PowerISO 4.3 (Nov 6, 2008):
+) Support up to 23 virtual drives.
+) Can open Blu-Ray iso files.
*) Some minor bug fixes and improvements.
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HVAC Equations, Data and Rules of Thumb, 2nd Edition
HVAC Equations, Data, and Rules of Thumb presents a wealth of state-of-the-art HVAC design information and guidance, ranging from air distribution to piping systems to plant equipment. This popular reference has now been fully updated to reflect the construction industry's new single body of codes and standards.Inside This Updated HVAC Design Guide :
• Definitions
• Equations
• Rules of Thumb for Cooling, Heating, Infiltration, Ventilation, Humidification, People/Occupancy, Lighting, and Appliance/Equipment
• Cooling Load Factors
• Heating Load Factors
• Design Conditions and Energy Conservation
• HVAC System Selection Criteria
• Air Distribution Systems
• Piping Systems (General, Hydronic, Glycol, Steam, Steam Condensate, AC Condensate, Refrigerant)
• Central Plant Equipment (Air-Handling Units, Chillers, Boilers, Cooling Towers, Heat Exchangers)
• Auxiliary Equipment (Fans, Pumps, Motors, Controllers, Variable-Frequency Drives, Filters, Insulation, Fire Stopping)
• Automatic Controls/Building Automation Systems
• Equipment Schedules
• Equipment Manufacturers
• Building Construction Business Fundamentals
• Architectural, Structural, and Electrical Information
• Conversion Factors
• Properties of Air and Water
• Designer's Checklist
• Professional Societies and Trade Organizations
• References and Design Manuals
• Cleanroom Criteria and Standards
download link :
Networking With Windows Vista (2008)
Your Guide to Easy and Secure Windows Vista Networking is a complete beginner’s guide to creating, configuring, administering, and using a small network using Windows Vista computers. Inside you’ll find comprehensive coverage of networking hardware, including Ethernet (wired) hardware (from NICs to cables to switches to routers) and wireless Hardware--from wireless NICs to access points to range extenders.We include handy “buyer’s guides” that tell you how to make smart choices when purchasing network hardware. With hardware in hand, we then show you how to roll up your shirtsleeves and put everything together, including configuring a router, laying cable, and connecting the devices. Next, we then show you how to wrangle with Windows Vista’s networking features. These techniques include using the Network and Sharing Center, managing wired and wireless connections, accessing shared network resources, sharing local resources on the network, and working with network files offline. And if you are a music and video aficionado, we’ve got you covered with a special chapter that shows you just how to set up a networked Vista PC as your digital media hub! No networking book would be complete without extensive coverage of security issues that affect anyone connected to the Internet. We show you how to secure each computer, secure your global networking settings, and batten down your wireless connections. The last part of the book includes intermediate networking tasks such as making remote connections, monitoring the network, troubleshooting network problems, and setting up Vista’s built-in web server and FTP server.
• No longer is networking a topic that only geeks need to understand.If you have even one computer on the Internet or if you use wireless in your home or office, you need this book!
• Extensive hardware coverage that shows you what equipment to buy and how to set it up!
• Easy to follow buyer’s guides that enable anyone to make smart and informed choices when purchasing networking hardware.
• Complete and comprehensive coverage of Windows Vista’s networking features.
• Thwart hackers, crackers, thieves and other Internet malefactors by following our easy to understand chapters on security!
• Loaded with tips, tricks, and shortcuts to make networking easier and more secure.
• Chock full of real-world examples and network configurations that you can put to work today!
download link :
Corel Kpt Photoshop Plug-in Collection
The Corel® KPT® Collection combines a selection of all the powerful Kai's Power Tools plug-in filters of KPT® 5, KPT® 6 and KPT® effects™ to give professional designers an unprecedented set of creative tools. A natural addition to Adobe® Photoshop®, it dramatically extends the boundaries of image editing, and makes a significant impact on your creativity and productivity.Key Features:
KPT® Fluid™
KPT® Gel™
KPT® Goo™
KPT® Ink Dropper™
KPT® Lightning™
KPT® Materializer™
KPT® Scatter™
KPT® ShapeShifter™
KPT® Blurr™
KPT® Channel Surfing™
KPT® Equalizer™
KPT® FiberOptix™
KPT® Frax4D™
KPT® FraxPlorer™
KPT® Gradient Lab™
KPT® Hyper Tiling™
KPT® LensFlare™
KPT® Noize™
KPT® Projector™
KPT® Pyramid Paint™
KPT® RadWarp™
KPT® Reaction™
KPT® Turbulence™
Key Benefits
Create and animate a variety of distortions, including controlling the thickness of the liquid and the size and speed of the brush stroke Create stunning fractals such as crystal clouds, with an improved rendering engine and increased navigational control Use realistic 3D paint tools to synthesize photo-realistic materials, and apply lighting, reflection, refraction and transparency Smear, smudge, twirl, pinch or "finger-paint" an image to produce stunning liquid distortion effects or short animations Add drops of liquid to a surface to create everything from water spots to smoky swirls Customize and create realistic lightning effects by controlling every aspect of the bolt and path, including its color, the number of forks, and attractor and generator points.
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Revolution2 Themes to Download - FREE
Do you still remember the announcement that Revolution Theme is going open source? Kyle Eslick, one of a members of Revolution Two team, announced that Revolution Two is officially available to the WordPress Community. Included with the Revolution Two launch are 8 excellent new themes which were designed to fill a large number of different niches: blog themes, magazine themes, professional themes, media themes, photo themes, video themes.All the wordpress themes on Revolution Two are 100% FREE, but there is a small fee attached to any extras you may want. With purchase of either the yearly pro membership ($99.95), or the pro plus lifetime membership ($149.95), you will get the following benefits:
* Membership benefits include ALL themes
* Unlimited support answered by their experts
* Learn customization techniques with their detailed theme tutorials
* Professional design services available by their list of recommended designers
* Discounted general consulting rates
* Increase your search rankings with a link from the Revolution site directory
Here for All Free Download from Revolutiontwo Themes :