Typebased is a free, personal blog design, with a very clean and elegant style. Along with the great design, we’ve also included all of the other Woo goodies in the backend i.e. custom widgets, integrated banner ad management etc. Gotta love Woo!
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Typebased - Free WordPress Theme
redflowers, Wednesday, November 12, 2008eGamer - Premium WordPress Theme
eGamer was designed with video game blogs in mind, however, it can certainly be adapted to any niche. This theme contains advanced features, including a custom author review system, video embedding (from video sites such as youtube), thumbnail resizing, and more.eGamer also gives users control over many of the themes functions, making the banner ads, recent reviews section, recent video section, popular/random articles section, and post-page thumbnails optional. You can also choose between the default magazine style layout and a more basic blog style design.
download link :
The Original Premium News v1.2 - Free WordPress Theme
redflowers, Monday, November 10, 2008
The Original Premium News Theme, was the very first premium theme that we ever released. This theme may be a bit rough around the edges (in terms of its looks), but we’ve used the same solid base for all our subsequent themes. Enjoy this themes’ minimalistic beauty and make it your own today!
Unique Features
These are some of the more unique features that you will find within the theme:
* Featured Posts panel on the homepage using jQuery technology to display / hide the posts;
* The layout supports all three of the most popular web ad sizes i.e. 468×60, 300×250 and 125×125;
* Animated horizontal drop-down menu’s for category navigation.
Standard Features
These features are probably just as special as the one’s above, but you’ll find these standard features within most of our wide range of themes:
* Integrated Theme Options (for WordPress) to tweak the layout, colour scheme etc. for the theme;
* Built-in video panel, which you can use to publish any web-based Flash videos;
* Automatic Image Resizer, which is used to dynamically create the thumbnails and featured images;
* Custom Page Templates for Archives, Sitemap & Image Gallery;
* Built-in Gravatar Support for Authors & Comments;
* Integrated Banner Management script to display randomized banner ads of your choice site-wide;
* Pretty dropdown navigation everywhere; and
* Widgetized Sidebars.
Available Colour Schemes
Please note that the theme package includes all of these colour schemes and with the Theme Options backend, it is possible to change the theme’s colour scheme (between these) whenever you see fit.
download link :
Revolution Sports v3.0 - WordPress Premium Theme
redflowers, Sunday, November 9, 2008
Revolution Sports is a customizable theme ideal for online sports newspapers, online sports magazines and other sports website portals.# Single-Use Package - $79.95, Buy Now
This package is for the person who intends on using this theme on a single website.
# Multiple-Use Package - $199.95,Buy Now
This package is for the person who intends on using this theme on multiple websites.
download link :